Nesting: What Is It and How Do You Do It?

6 minute read

Pregnant Woman Folding Laundry

It’s Tuesday. You’re in the third trimester, 看着冰箱里的零食,突然想到“我真的需要清理和重新整理一下架子。.“但需要注意的不仅仅是冰箱. 突然间浴室需要彻底擦洗一下, 抽屉里的衣服必须重新叠好, 媒体控制台和墙壁之间的爬行空间必须打扫干净.

父母们,欢迎来到被称为筑巢的怀孕阶段. Cats, dogs, birds, and apes all nest. 这种强大的本能与我们期待的动物父母一样,驱使我们真正地“准备巢穴”,或者在人类的情况下, prepare our homes for the new bundle of joy.

What is nesting?

The definition of nesting, or the nesting instinct, 准妈妈和父母们在怀孕的最后几周会迸发出巨大的能量,促使他们打扫和整理房子,为宝宝的到来做准备吗.1

虽然筑巢可能发生在不同的阶段,但2013年对两项研究的分析结果表明2 建议在妊娠晚期,预产期前38或39周,筑巢行为达到顶峰.

Common behaviors during the nesting phase

This is not a time to panic. In fact, 肾上腺素的额外增加是一种健康而有效的方式来度过最后几周, relieve a bit of anxiety, and get things in order for your baby! As an expectant parent, 你的嵌套阶段可以分为几个明显的特征, stocking, organizing, planning, and protecting.3


Spraying Orange All Purpose Cleaner


“Was that spot always there?” Dusting, mopping, scrubbing, 在你怀孕的筑巢阶段,洗衣服可能会成为你高度集中的活动. 在ECOS,我们希望为您提供更安全的选择,帮助您准备您的家.

Clean the house with ECOS All-Purpose Cleaner, available in Orange and Parsley scents. 我们易于生物降解的配方处理坚韧的残留物在你的家没有留下苛刻的化学物质. Made without synthetic fragrances, 1,4-dioxane, phthalates, or chlorine, 对于更有环保意识的清洁工来说,这是更安全的选择.

Using our ECOS Orange all-purpose cleaner spray is easy. Spray it directly onto any water-safe, 家中坚硬的表面,用无绒布或湿海绵擦拭.

Next up, do laundry with ECOS Hypoallergenic Laundry Detergent designed for sensitive skin and noses. Wash all of your linens, including towels, duvets, pillow covers, throws, sheets, and anything else, before your precious little one arrives.

Our ECOS Free & 清澈的洗衣粉是婴儿最好的选择,不添加任何染料或香料,并通过美国安全选择认证.S. EPA, the gold standard in ingredient safety. Made with enzymes, 我们的洗衣粉对小孩子来说是更安全的选择, 含有植物动力成分,对污渍坚韧,对皮肤和织物温和.


婴儿可能会经历很多补给,尤其是在最初的几周. 当你所有的时间和精力都应该集中在照顾宝宝和与宝宝建立联系上时,你最不想要的就是紧急地去商店. So stock up on the essentials!

Stock up 十大彩票网赌平台婴儿精致衣物和布尿布的洗衣液, cotton pads, a rectal digital thermometer, rubbing alcohol, a nasal syringe, nail clippers, BPA-free bottles, nipples, and much more.4

别忘了为你的家准备其他物品,比如 ECOS All-Purpose Cleaner in Orange零食和不易腐烂的食品来补充你的食品储藏室. Dump out old, outdated, 或者冰箱和食品柜里即将过期的食物, 多吃一些支持母乳喂养所需的食物,比如新鲜水果、蔬菜和可以冷冻的食物. There won’t be time to go shopping, 这样你就能在宝宝出生前装得更多, the easier it’ll be on you!


You’ve stocked up and probably received gifts from family and friends for the arrival of your baby; now it’s time to organize all those extra items!

Organize 你的婴儿室和你的食品储藏室的必需品. 在这一点上,你会有一系列预先洗过的婴儿服装和亚麻布,感谢我们的 ECOS laundry detergent来填满宝宝的梳妆台和衣柜. Pack your hospital bag with extra clothing, toiletries, a phone charger, slippers, gown, 和其他物品,使您的逗留和交付更舒适.

Snuggling With Dog


你外出分娩时,谁来照看狗或猫? 你是否有一个联系人可以与你的家人和朋友分享重大新闻? 当你的姻亲来看望他们刚出生的孙子时,谁去机场接他们?

Plan and delegate 把这些重要的任务提前交给一个值得信赖的家庭成员或朋友. 一旦这一天到来——可能不是你的实际预产期——你会希望所有的关键人物都准备好协助你. 对计划之外的事情做好准备. 目标是尽可能提前准备和计划,以减轻不必要的压力. 要记住的最重要的事情是和宝宝在一起,其他一切都是次要的!


最后几周对你来说是至关重要的,你要为宝宝的到来做好准备. 你会忙着把房子收拾好,但也别忘了照顾好自己!

Protect 通过更有选择性或减少任何社交活动来节省时间, getting enough rest, eating well, not over-exerting yourself with cleaning, 补充维生素对健康分娩都很重要.

Nesting is about making a safer home

筑巢是一种很好的方式,可以缓解一些产前焦虑,同时在家里高效工作. 一旦你的宝宝出生了,时间就会变得有限而宝贵,因为要得到足够的休息! ECOS在这里帮助你在筑巢阶段使用更安全的清洁十大彩票网赌平台和有用的清洁技巧, your baby’s things, and more.

Learn about our complete line of ECOS eco-conscious cleaning products 为了保证你,你的孩子,以及整个家庭的安全和健康.


  1. What to expect. Nesting During Pregnancy.
  2. ScienceDirect. 人类怀孕期间筑巢心理的证据.
  3. Healthline. 怀孕时的筑巢本能:这意味着什么.
  4. The Bump. 10 Nesting To-Dos for Soon-to-be Moms.